Monday 26 May 2014

The Kite Runner (23/03/2014)

Well, what to say about this book. I am the sort of reader who doesn’t really look at reviews until after I have finished a book. I find otherwise my opinion gets foggy with everyone else’s comments, that or people don’t know how to resist putting in spoilers which they then do not declare. Personally, I enjoyed the book, I want to say I liked it more than I did, I think because I found it thought provoking. I have to say I guessed the majority of the plot twists long before they happened, but there were a few surprises which I always appreciate.

When I give a star rating, I following the guideline comments as well as comparing how much I liked it compared to similar books. Now the trouble I’m having is I don’t normally read books like this, so I don’t really have anything to compare it with. I feel I can’t give it 4 or 5 stars, even though it may deserve them, just because I didn’t finish the book and feel… for want of a better word ‘wowed’. When I give 4 or 5 stars it is because I finish the book and can’t stop thinking about it, that I would wholeheartedly recommend to anyone who asked and that I will definitely read again. I just can’t say I felt like that about this book.

But, what I did like was, for me the chance to read something so different to my preferred reading genres. I personally liked that it was written in such a way that that you were unsure whether you were meant to like the narrator and main character Amir. That I felt for him, but also I wanted him to grow a backbone and stand up for what is right. I thought the book could have flowed better as I enjoyed the beginning and the ending, but felt it lost something in the middle. That the pace just completely dropped into nowhere. I think that it is likely that there are many inaccuracies (historically) within this book, but it is a work or fiction, not a true account of events. I enjoyed the journey, and I would probably read other books by the same author.

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