Monday 26 May 2014

Catching Fire (20/02/2014)

I liked that the story basically carried on where it left off from the first book. No annoying recap of information and other stuff that when you read a series after all are available is just tedious and not at all useful in my opinion. I also liked the general plot based on revolution happening. And before I start on what I didn’t like I just want it to be clear I did like the book (not love it) but liked it.

So on to what I didn’t really like. Have to start with the love triangle, I just didn’t see that need for it. I saw it was going to happening straight away in the first book but really hoped that it was just me and that surely the author wouldn’t descend into another Edward/Bella/Jacob scenario. Guess it was too much to hope for.

The amount of times in the first book that Katniss was explaining how she wasn’t into Gale in that way, and how it was obvious that Peeta had had an attraction to her his whole life. Then add in, that Gale in my eyes isn’t even a main character I just don’t see why there is even a conflict of interest after what Peeta and Katniss went through in the first book. Then I wasn’t really keen and the fact the rules were changed so that they once again end up in the Games. And how it took so long for the story to get their even though hardly anything happened. 

I’ll be honest I would have preferred no love conflictions to be happening as I feel it’s taking something away from the strength this lead female is meant to be portraying. It makes me feel annoyed with her and I really don’t want to be. I’m guessing this book was mostly used to set up the events that I’m sure will happening in the third installment so I will finish the series I just hope the third book gets back a bit of backbone like the first as I feel it slipped with this one.

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