Wednesday 22 April 2020

Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo (18/04/20)

Six of Crows: Book 1: Bardugo, Leigh: 9781780622286 ...So this book started off really slow to begin with. I felt like I really struggled to get to the 25% mark. and took me much longer to read than I anticipated. Maybe I just wasn't quite feeling it to begin with. Who knows?

Luckily it got much more interesting with the introduction of Matthais and Nina's characters. I loved the back and forth with their characters. I also liked them much more than Kaz's initial chapters, he took me a long time to warm too. I liked Inej almost straight away as well, her character is so complex yet seems to readily give herself to the reader. I really couldn't work out Kaz Brekker, but I don't think I was meant to. Jesper and Wylan make up the last two characters in the group and they were fun to read and rounded the team off nicely.

The basic plot is the six characters led by Kaz are attempting to break into the Ice Palace to kidnap/recuse/commandeer a prisoner who knows about a drug being used to make Grisha crazy strong and unpredictable. This 'jurda parem' seems to be very dangerous and could threaten the safety of many people. However, this isn't a selfless, heroic kind of adventure. These character are for the most part ruthless and most have questionable morals. The story covers their journey together and the changing relationships within the group, whilst they try to get in, get out and most impotently get their money..

Do It Thinking GIF - DoIt Thinking Confused - Discover & Share GIFsIt took me a long time to get used to the swapping between points of view. I was at times, early on, very confused.

Mostly because of the amount of characters there was. I definitely enjoyed reading from some characters view points more than others.

I enjoyed the original Grishaverse trilogy and got through them really quickly so was expecting the same here but this is very different. I don't think I've ever read a true 'heist' style story and I couldn't decided early on if I like it or not. Overall by the end I was hooked. This isn't a book you can put down and then come back to a few days later, you need to keep everything fresh in your head. All the charcaters rounded out and the ending was brilliant. It's been a few days now since finishing and I keep thinking about the characters. I will definietly be continuing the series fairly soon!

I give this book a solid 4*'s. I think if I hadn't found it so confusing in the beginning I would have given it more.

4 out of 5 stars rating - Buy this stock illustration and explore ...

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