My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Having read the main series in it's entirety just over a year ago, i found it quite easy to slip back into a world I am very familiar with. These 5 novellas cover a series of mini installments all based before the beginning of the first Throne of Glass book.
I'd say you could read them at any point within the series, but may be most impactful after you have built up a relationship with Celeana the heroine.
Now it may get a little spoilery, because honestly their is no way to talk about this book without the main spoiler. Because all the stories build to this one main devastating point.
Sam Cortland....
Oh my aching heart! I have never been quite as devastated about a character, even though I knew the outcome. It isn't even truly a spoiler as what happens to him is discussed early in the first book.
So knew he wouldn't make. I knew it led to Celeana ending up In Endovier. But it still completely took the wind out of my sails. The few brief moments Sam and Celeana share where even more upsetting for me knowing it would last. It was written beautifully. I can't even count the amount of times I had to stop reading, to breathe through the pain I knew was coming.
"My name is Sam Cortland, and I will not be afraid."
Overall a brilliant set of novellas that really do add something to the main story. I feel like if I was to reread the series again now, I would take away different things from it. It was an easy 4* for me. Although if I was rating the final story in the book on its on it would be 5*.
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