Wednesday 15 August 2018

Crown of Midnight (12/08/18)

So the book picks up a little while after the end of the first book. Celaena assassin, Chaol is still training with Celaena everyday when she is at the castle and not off on business for the king and Dorian is trying to get over Celaena. Lots of action, which is incredibly well written. Lots of intrigue and plot twists and the level of fantasy world building is on point.

I must say I am proper fan-girling over Chaol.  I am so invested in this coupling that I can barely focus on anything else. I like that he is far from perfect. His flaws make him more real, more believable and a lot more interesting. This internal fight he has with himself to realise what it is he really wants.

Honestly this book did me in. I’ve not been able to start the next one properly as I am too devastated by the sheer amazingness of it. It’s everything the first book should have been. The difference in complexity of the story and how well the characters have been development is phenomenal. I have not enjoyed a book this much in a long time.

I wouldn’t change this book. I wouldn’t add anything. Just well done, Sarah J. Maas, new fan here, and that means you will have me for life. Totally invested in all the characters and this new world that has been created. Just so enjoyable.

If you read the first book and weren’t too impressed…. This book is a whole other level! Please give this book a chance, otherwise you will miss out on something truly special.

Wednesday 8 August 2018

Throne of Glass (08/08/18)

This book in many ways is a standard love triangle young adult novel. If you found twilight, hunger games or house of night style books tedious. Then don’t bother here. If, however, you are like me, then open up this book for a whole new world of blooming brilliance.
Simple, if interesting concept of a young assassin roped into a be all competition to become the tyrannical kings personal Champion assassin.

I found all the main characters interesting and well rounded. I want to know more about them. Luckily there are more books in this series and I can already tell there are going to be some interesting developments with some characters. The main character Celaena, I liked, a small criticism being we maybe didn’t need telling how beautiful she was every other page. This did become less apparent as the book neared its end. Love interest wise, I surprisingly liked both possibilities. Both Chaol and Dorian were likeable and swoon worthy. Without giving away anything, I have surprised myself at which one I am routing for. I would be lying however if I didn’t admit this changes every now and again.

The character of Nehemia added some depth to Celaena that I feel helped both characters become more interesting and added some nice non love interest drama to the story. Nehemia seems fierce to me and I could see her being such a strong female force in this fantasy world.

There was plenty about this book that should have made it just a YA guilty pleasure. But I feel there are some foundations for this being a blindingly fabulous series and I am just so happy to have started it. I get very into these types of books, I love a good series, but I always worry starting one. Whether it will hold up against all the other books I have read before. And luckily for me this one did. I can already feel myself getting all fan-girly about it. I could also see this being a fabulously epic tv series.

The main criticisms about this book are that the beginning does seem very predictable and a bit slow on any action happening. This young girl is meant to be this fierce, sly and amazing assassin that needs guards at all time. Yet it takes time ¾ of the way through the book for her to have a real fight scene. Plenty of people would have lost interest before that point. Luckily, I didn’t. by the end I had a good feel for what the next books will become. I could feel the writing evolving as it went on. So if your giving this book ago and feel like it’s a bit, meh, please give it till the end to judge it. It may surprise you.

Monday 6 August 2018

The Vorrh (05/08/18)


This was a story unlike many others I have read. It seemed to be based around a alternative world to this one. Nothing to out of the ordinary for the most part, except for the Vorrh. The endless forest that is believe to house the garden of Eden at its centre. The book had elements of greatness. A really unique point of view, but I felt sometimes just lacked something that would make me not want to put down. Instead I spent most of the book being carried along whilst think about what I may read afterwards.
The story was initially quite hard to follow. The jump in characters seemed clumsy and at times I was not sure who was who at all. Only a couple of characters really stood out. Ishmael was the character I most looked forward to returning to and I feel that’s where the real interesting story was based.
Other characters like Mutter, Sidras and Edward Muggeridge and even Tsungali, to some extent, began to bleed into each other and until one of them spoke to someone else or someone spoke to them I didn’t really know which character the story had turned to.
Most of the characters seemed credible if lacking a bit of depth. Other than Ishmael and Gertrude I didn’t really feel attached to any of the characters. I didn’t really care what happened to them. And for me that makes a book drag. I have had a bit of a reading slump, and whilst this isn’t the worst book I have ever read by far, I feel like I should have liked it more.
I didn’t really feel like any of the story was relatable, but I also don’t believe it was meant to.
I didn’t hate the book. But it is unlikely to be one I recommend or re read at any point. There are 2 more books that follow this one and honestly at this point I am unlikely to read those as this felt like much too much hard work. When you work full time and have a small child reading needs to be easy and gratifying. Which this book on the whole, was not.

Wednesday 20 June 2018

After Alice (20/06/18)

At this point I honestly don’t know what to write about ‘After Alice’. This SHOULD be a book I enjoy. This is an author I have read other books from and have enjoyed. But in all honesty this book is dire. I am 15%+ into the book, and I can’t honestly tell you what is happening.

The language feels like someone has vomited out a thesaurus. It doesn’t flow and the language doesn’t even feel like it is being used to enhance the descriptive tones. Instead it feels like alternative words are being used for the sake it. Possibly to mask the fact that even though I am over 15% in NOTHING has happened. 

I have no bond with the characters. It isn’t even that I dislike them. There has been barely any character building what so ever. I very rarely leave a book unfinished. But I feel like I am reading for the sake of finishing it. And having a toddler I don’t have the time to read a book I am not enjoying.

Very disappointing. I feel like I should have loved it.