Wednesday 15 August 2018

Crown of Midnight (12/08/18)

So the book picks up a little while after the end of the first book. Celaena assassin, Chaol is still training with Celaena everyday when she is at the castle and not off on business for the king and Dorian is trying to get over Celaena. Lots of action, which is incredibly well written. Lots of intrigue and plot twists and the level of fantasy world building is on point.

I must say I am proper fan-girling over Chaol.  I am so invested in this coupling that I can barely focus on anything else. I like that he is far from perfect. His flaws make him more real, more believable and a lot more interesting. This internal fight he has with himself to realise what it is he really wants.

Honestly this book did me in. I’ve not been able to start the next one properly as I am too devastated by the sheer amazingness of it. It’s everything the first book should have been. The difference in complexity of the story and how well the characters have been development is phenomenal. I have not enjoyed a book this much in a long time.

I wouldn’t change this book. I wouldn’t add anything. Just well done, Sarah J. Maas, new fan here, and that means you will have me for life. Totally invested in all the characters and this new world that has been created. Just so enjoyable.

If you read the first book and weren’t too impressed…. This book is a whole other level! Please give this book a chance, otherwise you will miss out on something truly special.

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