Friday 2 January 2015

The Name of the Wind (02/01/15)

The Name of the Wind can only be classed as an epic fantasy. The first installment in a series of books I will definitely be carrying on with. I am a great lover of fantasy books, I will not compare it to others as I don’t believe it is that similar to others I have read. True, certain elements seem familiar, the loss of loved ones, finding one’s self, falling in love with an unobtainable person, continuing an education above the class of the main character… I could go on but I won’t. However for all these similarities, it still felt new and fresh in its delivery.

The main character Kvothe is likeable and I was really routing for him. The bulk of the story is told from his perspective as he endeavours to tell his story to a scribe who had come seeking the truth about his extraordinary life. We follow his story from his unlikely beginnings as part of traveling troupe to him becoming nothing short of a hero.

I a sucker for love, I have to say some of the most enjoyable sections of the book involved Denna, as soon and the two meet I could feel the glimmerings of hopefully first love. Without giving anything away, this love doesn’t go the traditional way that most stories would travel. But it is obviously there and knowing that there are more books to read I am sure there is more to Kvothe and Denna story together.

My least liked character has to Ambrose (what a silly girly name to begin with). He is petty and unlikeable from the on start. I feel the dislike between Kvothe and Ambrose will culminate into something sinister which no doubt will be an integral part of the tale…. But I really wish he would get his comeuppance…. Soon.

If like me you want to read a fantasy book that has all the elements you would want; love, conflict, revenge, magic, friendship and injustice. But doesn’t play by all the rules and is obviously building strong foundations towards what hopefully will be an impressive ending, then I believe this book is for you.

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