Wednesday 29 October 2014

The Walking Dead: Vol. 2 Miles Behind Us (28/10/14)

So finally carrying on with the walking dead graphic novels. Since getting my iPad I have had a resurgence in desire to read graphic novels as it is much easier to read than on my kindle. So, the second volume continues where the last ended. Rick and the group are dealing with the aftermath of Shane’s death before deciding to move their camp, hoping to find somewhere safer to settle down. They are still at this time hopeful that this is going to all blow over. We have some new character additions with Tyreese and his daughter Julie along with her boyfriend Chris as well as the group coming across Hershel’s farm. If you are a fan of the TV show, as I am, it was odd to see a slightly different family group at the farm.

Over all the story is still engaging and moving forward this is still the early stages of the crisis and most people are still hoping that they will be saved soon. It will be interesting carrying on to see where the characters drawn the line and realise they are not going to be rescued. A really good point is addressed in this issue, about how this crisis is changing people. That people are being pushed to commit acts they would not normally contemplate. However the interesting aspect is how the characters deal with this change in themselves. How some people are not concerned about what they have done or why they did it, but they are worried about how they feel about it.

I am looking forward to carrying on and luckily as I have come to reading these novels so late there are many for me to sink my teeth into.

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