Thursday 18 April 2019

No Man Can Tame (05/04/19)

So, I have been in a bit of a book slump this year. I work hard. I have a two year old. I just don't have the time or the brain power for the types of books I used to read. 800 page epic novels are just too taxing on my time presently. Until I have the time like I use to, I want instant gratification from the books I read.

Now when I say this book is trash, I don't mean the story is rubbish. Far from it I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. What I mean is it isn't 'high' fiction, its probably not going to win any awards. What is is though, is a simple to read, quick paced, sexy book. I am not going to drag out descriptions about the characters and any flaws they may have had in character development (there were some, if I am to be anyway critical). I have read much much much worse books by 'high quality' authors. This was at it's simplest form a book that I have enjoyed reading. I enjoyed it so much that i will most likely read any future novels.

I also feel like it actually wouldn't take too much for this story to actually become 'high' fiction. but when a book it this short there is only so much character and world building that can be done. If it were ever re-edited to be expanded, would I read it again.... yes. The skeleton of the story is very good. but it is at present definitely a book written to get as quick as it can to the juicy (sexy) parts. some good shameless smut is included. So if you aren't into that, this is not the book for you.

This book well and truly got me out of my reading slump.